LC circuit

  • 网络lc电路;电感电容电路
LC circuitLC circuit
  1. Using a controllable voltage source to realize a free oscillation of LC circuit


  2. Quantum fluctuations of voltage and current in mesoscopic LC circuit


  3. General Formulation for Quantum Fluctuation of Charge and Current in Mesoscopic LC Circuit


  4. Time Dependent the Average of the Charge and Current ina Mesoscopic LC Circuit


  5. Condition Generating Squeezed Vacuum States for Quantum Fluctuations in Mesoscopic LC Circuit


  6. Quantum fluctuations of mesoscopic LC circuit at finite temperature


  7. Quantum Effect of Mesoscopic Dissipative Parallel LC Circuit


  8. Quantum fluctuations of voltage and current in nondissipative mesoscopic active LC circuit


  9. We investigated the quantum effects of the mesoscopic LC circuit with a non-linear diode .


  10. The Quantum Loop Equations in the Mesoscopic LC Circuit under the Charge Discreteness


  11. Starting from the classical equation of motion , the mesoscopic parallel LC circuit is quantized .


  12. The evolution of quantum state with time in the time-dependent mesoscopic LC circuit containing source is studied in this paper .


  13. Traditional LC circuit has been replaced by coupled-inductance filter to gain greater attenuation rate in the high frequency .


  14. Quantization of Mesoscopic Parallel Damped LC Circuit


  15. The Quantum Fluctuation of the Charge , Current and Energy in the Mesoscopic LC Circuit with the Charge Discreteness


  16. The time-dependent properties and the steady state features of a quantum LC circuit with a source in a thermal bath are studied .


  17. Quantum effects of mesoscopic LC circuit in squeezing Schr ( o | ¨) dinger cat state


  18. Number-phase quantization scheme for LC circuit and Josephson junction 's Cooper pairs


  19. This paper mainly investigates dynamic behavior of charge and current in a mesoscopic LC circuit with discrete charge by considering coupling energy of the mesoscopic capacitor .


  20. The studies contain the quantum squeezing effect in the mesoscopic LC circuit and the Coulomb blockade effect in the mesoscopic capacitance coupling RLC circuit .


  21. Thus we give an approach of mesoscopic LC circuit 's quantization and discuss the influence of capacitor 's coupling effects to the quantum fluctuation of mesoscopic LC circuit .


  22. Meanwhile , based on the equivalent capacitance and inductance of microstrip lines , the equivalent LC circuit and approach formula for center frequency have been obtained by means of simulation and experiment results .


  23. As the current generation of sinusoidal signals commonly used in LC circuit structure complicated and very inconvenient to debug them , and make the frequency continuously adjustable , it is difficult to achieve .


  24. A quantization scheme for an LC circuit a source was proposed and the fluctuations of the charge and the magnetic flux of the circuit in excited squeezed vacuum state are studied by using the complete quantum theory .


  25. Starting from the equation of an active LC circuit , the influences of source on quantum fluctuation are investigated by quantizing an active LC circuit and calculating the quantum fluctuations of the voltage and the current .


  26. Using by the idea of damped harmonic oscillator operation , parallel mesoscopic damped LC circuit is quantized . On this basic theory , we studied quantum fluctuations of the voltage and current of each branch in vacuum state .


  27. The results indicate that under the action of external source , the system will evolve from the vacuum state to the squeezing state for time-dependent LC circuit containing source , but to the coherent state for time-independent LC circuit .


  28. By keeping the frequency of non dissipative mesoscopic LC circuit a constant and its parameter varying with the step function , the quantum state of the circuit evolves to a squeezed even coherent state from the initial even coherent state .


  29. In chapter 3 , from the viewpoint that the electron wave function of the two polar plates in the mesoscopic capacitance is coupled , we take the coupling energy into account and obtain the Hamilton of the mesoscopic LC circuit without electromotive force .


  30. In this paper , the solution of auxilliary equation of a mesoscopic LC circuit with time dependent parameters is obtained , the squeezing effect of the charge and current of the mesoscopic LC circuit in the coherent state for the time dependent have been investigated .
